Black History Month

Black History Month

Feb 8th 2024

To commemorate Black History Month we at the MFA shop have put together a few works highlighting African history to spotlight the talented artists and visionaries from the Community. The MFA has so many wonderful exhibitions and pieces by Black artists ranging from John Wilson to Kerry James Marshall!

1. Comrade Sisters: Women of the Black Panther Party

This collection of works is an important testament to the women of the Black Panther Party. Photographer Stephen Shames shone a light on important social issues throughout his work, including this specific collection that paid homage to the women in the background of the African American liberation movement. Stop by the MFA to see the collection in the flesh.

2. Fabric of a Nation: American Quilt Stories

This exhibition book is one of great significance in North American history. Fabric of a Nation: American Quilt tells the story of how textile arts have been able to share individual experiences using traditional quilt-making. These stories connect to global trade, immigration, marginalization and cultural expansion. Sharing a wide variety of American perspectives with European, African, Native and Hispanic heritage each perspective quilt square tells a different story.

3. Postcards from Africa: Photographers of the Colonial Era

With 148 pages and 110 color illustrations the Postcards from Africa collection is an opportunity to understand colonial rule in Africa in the 1900s. As well as sharing cultural and social changes through the photography lens. Many of these raw images survive only in postcard form, this book is a snapshot in time.

4. Jewels of Ancient Nubia

After an inspiring day strolling through the MFA’s Ancient Arts of Nubia, why not expand your breath of knowledge to Jewels. Nubia in the eighth century B.C ruled the Nile Valley and was located at trade route intersections. Nubia was known as ‘’The Gold Lands’ for its precious metals. This led to the creation of stunning jewels using techniques not found in Europe for another thousand years. This book is a great way to celebrate culture and traditions from Ancient Nubia.